Saturday 9 August 2014

(psychic) flaming [Content Warning for links - reader discretion is advised]

Flaming is the art/science of focusing one's mind/emotions/being to use skills of visualisation (and the equivalent relating to non-visual senses) to actively, deliberately and consciously generate positive energy within one's being and aura.

The generated energy is often used to cleanse one's aura/being by flushing out and/or dissolving negative and discordant units.
Technical instructions on flaming can be found here.
As of the time this definition was written, I’ve touched on this idea in the following posts:

     Post No. 171 - Convenience vs. responsibility 

     Post No. 14 - Colour healing (example of my early automatic writing)

     Post No. 13 - Superheroes

     Post No. 7 - Psychic attack, energy, protection and physical and non-physical responsibility

Post No. 365 mentions an alternative technique akin to flaming at another site, but notes that the site claims their technique takes a lot of energy, which is not the case I've found with flaming.

I have also made passing reference to flaming in Posts No. 538, 504, 495, 483, 471, 420, 406, 405, 404, 385, 378, 365, 335, 298, 262, 232, 228, 209, 159, 157, 35, 31, 20, and 18, which goes to show how important this skill is.

I was taught this when I was a student at a New Age group (not named owing to transphobia and other ethical concerns) in the 80s: that is the earliest use I know of the term, and I understand it originated there. 

I came across an example of using this, albeit without using the term, at  


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