Sunday 9 May 2021

thought form

A thought form is the astral or possibly etheric creation of nonphysical (mental, emotional, magickal, etc.) focus that has been so intense, purposeful, or skilled that the creation has a life beyond the period of focus (thinking, feeling, ritual, etc) and a certain independence of its creator.

The creation could - in terms of its effects - be BPM, neutral, or nonBPM.

For more on this, see:

The creation of nonphysical focus on higher levels (e.g., mental or spiritual) is an idea or an inspiration. 


Saturday 1 May 2021

Internalised sexism / victim blaming

Those who have wrongly taken on the false mind-sets / values of their oppressors and argue for sexist measures, values, etc - whether that is women arguing for the rubbish view that women should have limits on their job opportunities, or men arguing for toxic masculinity - see here

This problem also shows as: 

All of these are serious problems, and require competent assistance. 

PS - see also