Monday 18 September 2023

Saturday 16 September 2023

(aspects of) character [Content Warning - includes disturbing/harmful matters]

I've decided to create this post so I can plonk a few links about various aspects of character here, rather than go searching for links when I want to write about an aspect of character. 

Emotions are a separate matter, which I have started to address at emotions [Content Warning: discussion includes "negative" emotions, harm, and trauma]. That post includes:


   <future aspects>   

General posts: 

  • Why won’t/don’t people change?
    Some people, I think, are afraid they might have to grieve at the loss of outdated and wrong ideas - ideas that they are emotionally addicted to. This has to be addressed at an emotional level, ultimately -  addressing the head (thinking) initially is just the doorway to the heart.
  •    <to be added>   


Flawed types of character 


Character flaws/actions 


Neutral/undecided (could be used either way) aspects/concepts/tools, including those that result from "just being human" 


Character strengths/actions/tools/concepts 


Good types of character 



[Content Warning] psychopath

This is intended to be a convenient collection point for posts of mine where this term/word is reasonably significant, but I'll begin with a few general links: 

Relevant posts of mine: 

civility trap

From this post of mine

from Mastodon (Ive edited this to generalise it):

A civility trap is where a [targetted minority] person receives an intentional provocation. If the [targetted minority] person responds with understandable frustration/anger, they are perceived as unreasonable / unhinged / untrustworthy. The original provocation is forgotten.




Friday 15 September 2023

nuclear threats and their management

This is so I can park a few links in the one place for times that I need them - it isn't intended to be anything like a definition, nor is it intended to be authoritative.

The ongoing threat from nuclear weapons remains a major existential threat to life, one that I have campaigned against - along with thousands of others - throughout my life, and continue to do so - especially psychically.

The following links are arranged by topic, and will updated as and when I can. They're a comprehensive list, just a list of what I have found useful.

Nuclear weapons info 

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons - ICAN


Ban of nuclear weapons (thanks to ICAN): 

Overview of treaties: 


Nuclear waste, power and other accidents, etc 

to be completed

Friday 1 September 2023


The definition of levels of reality includes a table showing seven levels, with the densest being labelled "physical". in the context of these blogs of mine, "nonphysical" refers to any/all of the other levels - and can refer to any unit on, or of, that level.  

(nonphysical) objects (under development)

This definition will eventually be similar to that provided for links, but for working with nonphysical  objects. 

From classification of nonphysical units

  • objects - discrete nonphysical things - on the astral and etheric  levels for the purposes of this blog, including thought forms and the like, but excluding egregores and concepts etc from the mental plane. This may be perceived as doors, trees, knives, etc - images of physical world objects 

(nonphysical) energies (under development)

This definition will eventually be similar to that provided for links, but for working with energies. 

From classification of nonphysical units

  • (nonphysical) energies - which are dispersed energy, not coalesced into something that can be perceived as an object. I often think of these as nonphysical clouds - such as the energies that give places their vibes, or that can cause an uneasy feeling if you walk into one in the street 


classification of nonphysical units

In working with nonphysical  units, the basic classification I was taught and use for working with nonphysical energies is: 

  • links - also sometimes referred to as cords, and discussed from the point of view of working with them energetically (to remove those that are problematic, and strengthen those that are beneficial); 
  • objects - discrete nonphysical things - on the astral and etheric  levels for the purposes of this blog, including thought forms and the like, but excluding egregores and concepts etc from the mental plane. This may be perceived as doors, trees, knives, etc - images of physical world objects.
    I will eventually develop the "definition" at into the equivalent of that provided for links
  • energies - which are dispersed energy, not coalesced into something that can be perceived as an object. I often think of these as nonphysical clouds - such as the energies that give places their vibes, or that can cause an uneasy feeling if you walk into one in the street.
    I will eventually develop the "definition" at into the equivalent of that provided for links.

This classification system also includes cooperatives and uncooperative  earthbound  entities, which are covered by the clearing and rescue work of this blog, and egregores, thought forms, concepts, group minds & souls, etc, which are not.