Thursday, 31 July 2014

(spirit) rescue

PS - since originally doing this post, I have started using labels (again) on my main blog, and some of the original links are no longer functioning. I have updated those below. 

I have also come across the excellent “Correllian Book of the Dead” (Correllian website;   Amazon), which I now strongly recommend (and it is relatively affordable)

Labels to check (more may be added over time):     

In the interests of clarity, for the context I am using this term, I should probably refer to ‘spirit rescue’, rather than just ‘rescue’. Having acknowledged that, I will - for convenience - continue with the shorthand version (i.e. - ‘rescue’).
Rescue is the art/skill of guiding the soul of an entity (not necessarily human) whose physical body has died, from the etheric/lower astral realms to the astral or higher frequency realms that souls normally go to between incarnations, or after they have finished incarnating to this world. Entities that fail to make this transition properly are referred to as ‘earthbound’. (Entities without a physical body are referred to as ‘discarnate‘. This can be determined by the lack of a ‘Silver Cord’ between the nonphysical body(ies) and the physical body, for those who are psychic enough.)
Most entities make this transition without any problems (to the extent that some mediums, such as Charmaine Wilson, claim there is no such thing as an earthbound entity - to which I have to advise of a professional disagreement :)- but I still respect and highly recommend Ms Wilson), or can be adequately helped by those other discarnate entities who undertake this work, in roles which are akin to that of midwives here on the physical level of reality. A few, however, get stuck for a wide range of reasons and can be helped by techniques such as those I and others have posted about.
This is a major them on my Musings of Gnwmythr blog, and other blogs. Some additional resources which may be of interest are:

As of the time this definition was written, I’ve touched on this idea in the following posts:
     Post No. 455.  Another unco-op;
     Post No. 378.  Checking; 
     Post No. 254. Rescuing Uncooperatives;
     Post No. 092. Shades of Exorcism;
     Post No. 040. Mediumship - Part Two;
     Post No. 002. Workshop on Past Lives - Part 1: working with karma as an energy

A couple of decades ago, while working on a book on rescue which I never finished, I did a few - light-hearted - sketches to help illustrate what I was writing about. The following sketches show - and I was using animals in an anthropomorphic way as a cartoon device - (1) the unusual behaviour which possession can lead to (i.e., the dog behaving as a cat), (2) "physical" rescue, where a medium communicates with a cat spirit in a dog body, shows that it is in a dog body and thus something has happened, and gets the cat spirit to move on, and (3) rescue of a spirit from a place through a combination of physical communication directing attention to the astral equivalent of something the earthbound entity might expect in the physical (incidentally, I had intended to redraw these to be a bit more distinct, but as I haven't had time to do so over the last few decades, I've decided to post them now, as they are  with a hope they may be of some use or lead to someone doing something better):


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