Monday 14 February 2022


PS - see also: 

For Australian use, I have changed the acronym to LGBTQIASB+, per the recommendations in  


The original version of the above diagram (which is more applicable outside of Australia) is: 


On TGD rights in the workplace (in Australia), I have just come across this:

which also includes: 

From 1 August 2013 it will be unlawful under federal law to discriminate against a person on
the grounds of their: 

  • sexual orientation
  • gender identity 
  • intersex status 

Same-sex couples are now also protected from discrimination under the new definition of ‘marital or relationship status’ (this was previously ‘marital status’). 

The Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Act 2013 (Cth) (SDA Amendment Act) inserts the new grounds into the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (SDA).


The SDA provides protection from discrimination for people who identify as men, women and neither male nor female. It does not matter what sex the person was assigned at birth, or whether the person has undergone any medical intervention. 

Direct discrimination could occur if a shop-assistant refused to serve a person who identifies and presents as a woman but has a deep masculine sounding voice because she felt uncomfortable about that person’s gender identity.  

Indirect - it may be indirect discrimination if an organisation’s human resources policies do not permit changes to an employee’s records. Such a policy may require a transgender woman to continually disclose information about her gender identity in order to explain discrepancies in personal details.

A couple of other links on cisgender women who are also 

More commentary will come in due course.

In the meantime, I have touched on LGBTIQA+ matters in the following posts: 

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