Monday 2 September 2019

Clear light

When “New Agers” and others talk about “white light”, what they really mean is “clear light”, which is a term that also exists, albeit in a slightly different sense, in Buddhism (see, for instance,
In essence, the term is a reference to BPM energy – energy that has a constructive spiritual (not religious – religious refers to dogma which may or may not be spiritually beneficial) effect.
Ironically, those who are disparaged as “white light-ers” often refer to the importance of the clarity or tone of colours, and some even point out - correctly – that there are as many shades of black which fit the definition of BPM as there are for any other colour.
I prefer to use the more accurate term (and less racist) “clear light” (until something better is developed and comes into widespread use).
I also respect the goodwill of white light-ers (although I will try to edge them towards clear, rather than white, light), and question the motivation and methods of those who disparage them. 

Centre Oneself

In a strictly technical psychic sense, to “centre oneself” means making sure all one’s nonphysical bodies are aligned, and are also in alignment with one’s physical body.
I can, perhaps, best illustrate this by describing someone who is not centred – perhaps someone who is walking, and distracted by thinking of a troubling matter (or, these days, focused on their mobile phone or some other “device”). If you looked at them psychically, it is quite possible that you would see one or more of their nonphysical bodies drifting around outside the physical body (and the aura), looking around and not paying attention to where the physical body was going (or, to be factious, these days the nonphysical could be hovering over the shoulder of the physical looking at the mobile phone / device).
In this situation, the person is distracted and thus may do something dangerous (for instance, walk on to a road, or step into a hole).
In addition, the nonphysical body(ies) outside the aura are vulnerable to the influence of incompatible / disharmonious energies / units, and to psychic attack.
Grounding is a cure to not being centred, but taking a deep breath and making the effort to focus, concentrate, and be alert also help, and may be sufficient in many cases.