PS - see also:
- “Doing a Joe Biden”
- “Fight bigotry whenever and wherever it appears, UN chief declares”
- “Post No. 2,943 - On hexing”
I've realised I need a post to tie together what I've written or come across over the years on the topic of ethics. This is not an attempt at a coherent definition at this stage, just a link to my thoughts on the topic (there are also thoughts buried in other posts where they are not a leading focus):
-, which includes the following:
- any attempt at fraud by me is actionable under law;
- any failure of me to be inclusive (i.e. any incident where I discriminate on the basis of sexuality, gender identity, race, religion, etc.) may also be actionable under law.
Next point: love spells are an attempt at negative psychic control, and are therefore WRONG, and I will have NOTHING to do with such rubbish, nor requests to harm people.
So ... ethics all round, thank you :)
- "Post No. 2,649 - An offset: one advantage to not having been diagnosed as neurodivergent while working"
My monthly reminder posts on this include the following:
Also, don’t forget to do everything - including any psychic work - ethically.
I discuss that at, but I would like to add/emphasise the following - the details of which are subject to the current laws of whatever jurisdiction you live/work in, so if you have any concerns, consult a suitably qualified/registered/experienced expert:
- even if you do not charge people, you may be liable for the advice you give them. As an example, if you told someone to give their money to a shonky person, even if you did not charge them for telling them that, you may be liable (you SHOULD be, IMO);
- legal protections go both ways, so you are likely also protected against attempts to blackmail or threaten you;
For some general information on this topic, you could try (these are to stimulate your thinking - I do NOT endorse any of the following links):
-; and
The following links are from an excellent online course in human rights:
- Introduction to Human Rights | Lesson 1: "Notions of Public Ethics I" ;
- Introduction to Human Rights | Lesson 2: "Notions of Public Ethics II" ;
- Introduction to Human Rights | Lesson 27: "Environment and Human Rights" ;
- Introduction to Human Rights | Lesson 28: "Anti-Corruption I" ;
- Introduction to Human Rights | Lesson 29: "Anti-Corruption II" ;
- Introduction to Human Rights | Lesson 30: "Transitional Justice" ; and
- Introduction to Human Rights | Lesson 33: "Bioethics and Human Rights" .
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