Sunday 27 April 2014

[Content Warning - psychological/emotional triggers] buttons

Just as it is possible to push a physical button to cause a physical effect (e.g., to turn a machine on or, say, mute the television during an advertisement), so too is it possible to have a psychological button pushed to cause a particular psychological response.
If, for instance, you are feeling guilty about (say) not working overtime, it may be possible for your boss to casually make a remark about the importance of dedication, in order to stimulate more guilt and so enable you to be manipulated into an unfair or at least unreasonable situation. Some children are masters of this: they know exactly what to do to annoy their parents, or wear their parent’s discipline down.
Uncooperative entities are also masters of this – but their aims are to get negative energy generated. If they can cause an entity to become upset or angry, they can use the energy created - and they have found a way to improve their control over the entity directly affected, and others. The best example of this that I can think of is causing people to become angry or irate about a criminal: the discarnate earthbounds controlling that criminal (and any others like that one) get more negative energy from the anger and hate radiated towards their puppet, which they can use to force another entity to perform the same acts – which gives the controller more perverse fulfilment, and starts a new cycle. (Any time you find yourself getting strongly emotional in a negative way, such as anger at some perceived wrong, you should at the very least flame to reduce any negative influences in your aura, and then ground and shield yourself.)
Buttons are a weakness which should be addressed by personal growth work (especially work aimed at improving one’s assertiveness).
So-called ‘friends’ who keep pushing any such buttons should be treated with caution: are they genuinely friends, or are they attempting to control you (possibly as a result of being controlled themselves)?

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