I've decided to create this post so I can plonk a few links about various aspects of character here, rather than go searching for links when I want to write about an aspect of character.
Emotions are a separate matter, which I have started to address at emotions [Content Warning: discussion includes "negative" emotions, harm, and trauma]. That post includes:
- Post No. 197 - Personality - which is about choice of characteristics in the search for uniqueness;
<future aspects>
General posts:
- Why won’t/don’t people change?
Some people, I think, are afraid they might have to grieve at the loss of outdated and wrong ideas - ideas that they are emotionally addicted to. This has to be addressed at an emotional level, ultimately - addressing the head (thinking) initially is just the doorway to the heart.
- “Post No. 2,817 - The damage done by “bad” worldviews” https://gnwmythr.blogspot.com/2024/06/post-no-2817-damage-done-by-bad.html
- <to be added>
Flawed types of character
- narcissists
- Narcissists are far more likely to buy into conspiracy theories, research finds (The New Daily);
- Post No. 2,584 - Vindictiveness and other miscellaneous thoughts [Content Warning: discussion of/links to articles on jealousy, vindictiveness, narcissism];
- “Post No. 3,016 - Female narcissism” https://gnwmythr.blogspot.com/2025/02/post-no-3016-female-narcissism.html
- psychopaths
- [Content Warning] psychopath;
- bigots/bigotry
- [Content Warning] bigots / bigotry;
- evil:
- [Content Warning] evil;
- patriarchy:
- patriarchy;
- [Content Warning] toxic masculinity;
- gossips:
- Social connection: a block to getting rid of discrimination - still?;
- The UK royal family and “Spare” [Note: Content Warning - bigotry, family & other abuse];
- One of the evils of fascism;
- Backlash and other thoughts;
- The gaps in modern society;
- Post No. 2,387 - Random ramblings: returning to the physical, travel, and working on next Rangers of the Inner Plane short story;
- Post No. 2,385 - A Few Rambling Thoughts [Content Warning: bigotry, carnism {a Vegan term}, death];
- Post No. 2,250 - Feedback vs. wanting The Truth . . . and responding to lies (~1,500 words; 6 – 9 min. read) CW: bullying & abuse;
- Post No. 2,176 - Undue focus, and "unhistoric" acts;
- Post No. 1,496 - Responsible, Informed, and Ethical Influence;
- Post No. 464 - Why bad things happen to good people;
- Post No. 364 - [Content Warning] The Origin of Evil;
- Post No. 338 - [Content Warning: war, violence, attitudes, superficiality, nonBPM {aka "negative"} energy] Well it's war, Jim, but not as we know it;
- Post No. 290 - Good riddance to bad rubbish?;
- Post No. 082 - Control, family and living in the 'burbs: A Rant;
- Post No. 031 - Emotions and spellcraft [Content Warning: emotions, alcohol, problems];
- other:
- [Content Warning] christo-fascism;
- "histrionic personality disorder", from Post No. 097 - What do I do when my soul's a drama queen, dahling?;
- Immature Soul / Young Soul;
- Internalised sexism / victim blaming;
- [Content Warning - religious abuses] neochristianity/pseudochristian / Christianity;
- [Content Warning] neoliberalism;
- the Newtonian (non-physical) world view;
- sheeple;
- sock puppet (pejorative term);
- spiritual bypassing;
- white light;
Character flaws/actions
- amathia;
- (the) aspiration paradox;
- attraction to elitism;
- blindness to cruelty;
- civility trap;
- conflation;
- cynicism;
- the means shape the end - i.e., the end does NOT justify the means;
- FBU - flummoxed by (the) unfamiliar;
- fixated "thinking";
- FoC - fear of complexity;
- “gender flat earthers (GFEs)” https://gnwmythrsglossary.blogspot.com/2024/04/gender-flat-earthers-gfes.html
- hate speech;
- inappropriateness including inappropriate reactions to (agape) love;
- incredulous;
- indifference;
- intellectual cowardice;
- Internalised sexism / victim blaming;
- irony (a specific, limited usage);
- lack of clear thinking;
- LBI (left brain interpreter);
- lip service;
- moral licencing;
- the Newtonian (non-physical) world view;
- [Content Warning - language] PFD - Paranoid Fear of Difference;
- “spontaneous trait transference”;
- (the five) stress responses - including a link to a YouTube video on the dangers of the fawn response for some people;
- [Content Warning - links to reports on violence/abuse/war] systems justification;
- [Content Warning] toxic forgiveness
- toxic loyalty;
- [Content Warning] toxic masculinity
- [Content Warning] Toxic positivity;
- virtue signalling;
- Post No. 2,120 - Blocks to Changing the World;
- Post No. 380 - Naiveté (inappropriateness);
- Tall Poppy Syndrome;
- amathiac reliance on determination/“stiff upper lip”/“being “professional”” to overcome unconscious bias: “Smokers unlikely to quit with just willpower, say researchers” https://www.theguardian.com/society/2025/jan/24/smokers-unlikely-to-quit-with-just-willpower-say-researchers “Those using e-cigarettes, medication or heated tobacco products are more likely to successfully give up smoking” Willpower alone is not enough - which those who think they can overcome unconscious bias by determination should note
Neutral/undecided (could be used either way) aspects/concepts/tools, including those that result from "just being human"
- [Content Warning - psychological/emotional triggers] buttons;
- communication;
- Evidence;
- Growth orientation (path);
- Know Thyself;
- levels of consciousness (interim);
- Post No. 832 - Lifestyle Vulnerabilities;
- limits;
- Mӕgan;
- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - note the PS links to an alternative, and on the First Nations origins of this concept;
- negative learning;
- "Non-Violent" Communication / Collaborative Communication;
- (efficacy of) nonviolent protests;
- purpose;
- rishi;
- shadow self (interim DRAFT);
- Post No. 1,672 - Knowing good from bad;
- Post No. 1,641 - Magickal Battle of the World - Weekly Meditation - Week No. 18 - The humanness of the flaws that underlie opposition which was a report of Post No. 1,636 - Magickal Battle of the World - Weekly Meditation - Week No. 17 - Motivations of the nonBPM;
Character strengths/actions/tools/concepts
- authentic presence;
- “Autism: The new view. The world is disordered” https://youtu.be/ugQEiZG19Rs?si=0L2S0TvwFd2ESf5m
- Balanced Positive;
- "clear and present thinking" - link to Brendan Myers free online course of that name;
- compassion;
- spoons of courage;
- Cure Violence (organisation) (the concept of transmissibility of violence is significant - particularly as it applies to constructive aspects as well);
- (human) dignity;
- emotional intelligence;
- ethics;
- evolution (PARTIAL DRAFT);
- Golden Rule;
- feminism;
- human rights;
- Know Thyself;
- lucid living;
- Mӕgan;
- Maturity (non-physical);
- nonphysical health strength and wellbeing;
Good types of character
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