Monday, 14 February 2022


PPS - see also   “Post No. 2,965 - How many LGBTQIASB+ people are there in Australia?”   which comments on ABS estimates released in December, 2024     

For Australian use, I have changed the acronym to LGBTQIASB+, per the recommendations in  


The original version of the above diagram (which is more applicable outside of Australia) is: 


On TGD rights in the workplace (in Australia), I have just come across this:

which also includes: 

From 1 August 2013 it will be unlawful under federal law to discriminate against a person on
the grounds of their: 

  • sexual orientation
  • gender identity 
  • intersex status 

Same-sex couples are now also protected from discrimination under the new definition of ‘marital or relationship status’ (this was previously ‘marital status’). 

The Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Act 2013 (Cth) (SDA Amendment Act) inserts the new grounds into the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (SDA).


The SDA provides protection from discrimination for people who identify as men, women and neither male nor female. It does not matter what sex the person was assigned at birth, or whether the person has undergone any medical intervention. 

Direct discrimination could occur if a shop-assistant refused to serve a person who identifies and presents as a woman but has a deep masculine sounding voice because she felt uncomfortable about that person’s gender identity.  

Indirect - it may be indirect discrimination if an organisation’s human resources policies do not permit changes to an employee’s records. Such a policy may require a transgender woman to continually disclose information about her gender identity in order to explain discrepancies in personal details.

A couple of other links on cisgender women who are also 

More commentary will come in due course.

In the meantime, I have touched on LGBTIQA+ matters in the following posts: 

I also specifically want to add some links regarding queerness and Indigeneity, beginning with the following: 

  • Sandy O'Sullivan, Professor, ARC Future Fellow, Department of Indigenous Studies, Macquarie University   , which includes information on the following papers (which I cannot access, but academics no doubt can):   
    • “F__king up, fixing up, and standing up (to the colonial project of gender and sexuality)”   Abstract:   “As a Wiradjuri person living on stolen Kabi Kabi Land, I begin this article by framing Yindyamarra Winhanganha as an ethos of my life, and therefore of the research I conduct. Yindyamarra Winhanganha is a complex Wiradjuri philosophy of designing a world that is made better through our actions. It forms the starting point of my relationality and centres my aspirations as a researcher. Wiradjuri is my Aboriginal language group and community, located in the colonial state of New South Wales, Australia, which constitutes a landmass larger than Portugal. In the Wiradjuri lands, there is a colonially disrupted archaeological record of occupation dating back at least 60,000 years. Relationality and connectedness underpin the conduct of my research, and—as is appropriate according to Yindyamarra—I reflect on how this approach has allowed growth, recalibration, and ethical conduct. If this article seems to only peripherally touch on anthropology, you can thank me later.”     
    • “Colonial histories and artefacts: which way gender?”   Abstract:   “This chapter explores the ways in which genders and bodies are assumed and assigned in the colonial museum, and by extension understanding the deployment of these decisions across the colonised world. The approaches by which museums interpret deep histories are not fixed; they change over time with approaches to museums practice, and also in relation to the broader world. In this way they are not devoid of contemporary understandings; they are of the world, as curators and archivists guide contemporary visitors through assigned meaning and context. This chapter explores why and how gendering of bodies of the past is interpreted to the museum visitor, with a focus on the colonial imposition of gender, and with suggestions for change through relationality and a grounding in anti-colonial approaches to understanding recall and commemoration.”    
  • “Miriam Margolyes meets sistergirls in the NT”   Margolyes is corrected on some key points      

PS - see also: 

  • “Atheism Should Leave Its Transphobia Behind in the New Year”   I am appalled to find that Steven Pinker and Richard Dawkins were also supporting this transphobia - that has wiped out their reputation with me, and I’ll be rethinking my positions on their earlier work when I can (and I note that their earlier material may still stand). I also note that Stephen Fry has also revealed himself as a transphobe       
  • “When You're Trans and Autistic”   “I got out of my grade school years unscathed only to have grown ass adults with social media poisoning and too much time on their hands take up the mantle of insecure adolescents who build their identities around harming others. I’m talking about gender criticals, by the way . . . And members of the gender critical cult like to call upon the combined forces of cultural transphobia to . . . dismiss gender incongruence expressed by autistic people as fixation or confusion, particularly in trans people who were assumed female at birth. What they never seem to do is ask us about our experiences or speak to the experts who have . . . because . . . [g]ender  criticals don't actually care about child welfare, human well-being, or medical ethics” . . .  they are trying to Trojan Horse their agenda into social relevance by relying on cis, allistic people to have not done the internal work”   Gender criticals are the genocidal  flat earthers of the sex and gender world    Also from this channel:   “I was a victim of Gender Ideology”   and   “Autism, Ableism, and Missouri's Attack on Trans Rights”   
  • “Why TERFs shouldn’t be Witches - Starhawk Maiden Mother Crone Ecofascism White Feminism JK Rowling”   This has outstanding analysis - including historical , social, human rights, and political. The following are also relevant to this:  

And also note the following: 

  • “Three months after transitioning, in March 2013, she killed herself. Ascribing a single cause to any suicide is both dangerous and disingenuous. Lucy Meadows, like many of us, struggled under multiple burdens. But it is also true that the coroner who investigated her death, Michael Singleton, believed that the press had played a role. Speaking at the inquest, he said: ‘Lucy Meadows was not somebody who had thrust herself into the public limelight. She was not a celebrity. She had done nothing wrong. Her only crime was to be different. Not by choice but by some trick of nature. And yet the press saw fit to treat her in the way that they did.’ Finishing his statement, he turned to the gathered reporters and said: ‘And to you the press, I say shame, shame on all of you.’”   and   “In one of the question and answer sessions musicologist Melanie Marshall put forward an answer that clarified not only this problem, but which also explained to me so much about popular knowledge and general confusion over gender issues. Referencing the work of Nancy Tuana, Marshall described the concept and process of the production of ignorance: it is not just the absence of knowledge that keeps a truth from being widely known and accepted, it is also the active production of ignorance that suppresses that truth. It is not only that we are unaware of the many women composers throughout history: we are actively taught that there were none, or certainly none worth bothering about. Similarly, it is not that trans people are ignored entirely, but that what we are taught as fact can often obscure and distort the truth in a way that even silence could not.”   (from "Trans Like Me: A Journey for All of Us" by CN Lester)  
  • The following is, when shifted to the context of transwomen, the perfect reason that transwomen with deeper voices should be able to record such details with banks and the like - rather than being subjected to extra questions (and being told lies that those extra questions are compelled by national legislation, when it is, in fact, the banks' interpretation of that legislation):    "The intrusion failed in part because the attackers slipped up and because a Digital Bond researcher was alert. The e-mail was signed “Peterson.” But the security researchers knew that their boss uses his first name on e-mail, not his last." (from "Zero Day: The Threat In Cyberspace" by The Washington Post, Robert O'Harrow; Amazon) 


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