Sunday, 17 November 2024

unmanaged unconscious bias (including possible project for others to take on as theirs, if they wish)

PS - see also:   “Smokers unlikely to quit with just willpower, say researchers”   “Those using e-cigarettes, medication or heated tobacco products are more likely to successfully give up smoking”   Willpower alone is not enough - which those who think they can overcome unconscious bias by determination should note     

This post is just so I can start throwing together some links on this topic, in a single location for quick, ready reference. 

However, the draft at the end is something that maybe someone could take on as their own project to pursue further, if they wish ...

Specific links: 

“What Is Unconscious Bias (And How You Can Defeat It)”   “Research-based strategies for how to identify and defeat unconscious bias”           “Implicit Bias (Unconscious Bias): Definition & Examples”            “Understanding Unconscious Bias”            “The Impact of Unconscious Bias in Healthcare: How to Recognize and Mitigate It”            “How unconscious bias can discriminate against patients and affect their care”   “Our assumptions, which we may not even be aware of, can lead to erroneous clinical decisions. More research, awareness, training, and diverse teams are needed to tackle this, Kathy Oxtoby finds”            “Unconscious bias”   “Combating unconscious bias helps promote equity and fairness in decision-making.”            “How Does Implicit Bias Influence Behavior?”            “Learn about unconscious bias”            “Are You Aware of Your Biases?”   “Often, it’s easy to “call out” people when we notice their microaggressions or biased behaviors. But it can be equally challenging to recognize and acknowledge our own unconscious biases. That said, becoming aware of your shortcomings can help you hone your leadership style, especially when you’re a new manager.”            “Unconscious bias: Definition and significance.”            “The good, the bad, and the ugly of implicit bias”   (The Lancet)            “unconscious bias”   (Oxford Reference)            “Understanding Unconscious Bias”            “Managing unconscious bias in the workplace”      

“cognitive bias”      

“Implicit stereotype”            “List of cognitive biases”            “Implicit bias training”     

Other links: 

“Neurodivergence and the workplace: Reducing unconscious bias in the recruitment process”            “Women get slower treatment every step of the way for the worst type of heart attack, study finds”            “Ros Cardinal on unconscious bias and the role of human instincts”               “Yvette Cooper thanks police as major far-right riots fail to materialise”   “Thousands took to the streets to take part in anti-racism protests in London, Brighton, Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Newcastle and Sheffield”   Non-violent counter protests are an important part of responding to such violence, but do not suit all people - and need police on side for best results, but that unfortunately depends on their conscious prejudices and unconscious biases.      See also   “The far right promised violence and mayhem last night – but decency took back the streets | Polly Toynbee | The Guardian”            “Policing at Mardi Gras Was ‘Aggressive and Intensive’, Says Report”   ““Police violence and over policing at Mardi Gras continues despite negotiations between Mardi Gras and the NSW Police Force,” the study reads.   ”Our findings reveal intensive and aggressive policing characterised by invasive questioning, instances of potentially unlawful policing, and use of force”.”   This exemplifies the - in my opinion - problematic combination of unconscious bias and Newtonian approaches to life (“when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail”) that too many police have, and the problems with drug enforcement and policing in NSW. I decided twenty years ago not to ever attend any such events in NSW            “‘Sign here’: high court finds no requirement for minister to read submissions on visa decisions”   “Long-running dispute, featuring ‘bizarre’ photo of visa cancellation next to a steering wheel, ends with ruling that minister can rely on department summaries”   So one hopes the summaries are free of unconscious bias             in an acknowledgement of the endemic problem of unconscious bias,   “Queensland University of Technology defends removing 'merit' from hiring policy”           Australia has issued (Star) a visa to a fascist extremist connected to the attempt to violently overthrow the US government - which continues the concerns about fascist subversives - or, at the very least, bigots or people with unmanaged unconscious bias - in the relevant government department: see here (TC), here (Overland), here (TG), and here (SMH);           an article urges don’t mistake your unconscious bias for common sense” - especially in the USA, where modern global white supremacism developed after their civil war (M);           the covert influence of racism (unconscious bias) in three deaths children in health care (TG);       

   TBC: add in links from The Conversation     

From my main blog: 

“Post No. 2,938 - Losses [Content Warning - language]”            “Post No. 2,831 - “That job was destroying you””            “Post No. 2,929 - the death of anti-sexism measures in the workplace”            “Post No. 2,907 - “Animals like good people””            “Post No. 2,788 - Community, labels, and identity”            “Post No. 2,710 - What constitutes a disability in the afterlife? [Content Warning - discussion on disability, and also on character flaws]”            “Post No. 2,535 - Trauma [Content Warning: bigotry/discrimination and other forms of abuse, violence, sexual violence, CSA, self harm]”            “Post No. 2,461 - Bigots are emotionally scarred to the point of having scarred interactions with others [Content warning: self harm, the abuses of bigots & flawed parents]”            “Post No. 2,089 - Relative Strength and Efficacy of Magick”            “Post No. 2,068 - More thoughts on some aspects of the ET / UFO/"UAP" field [Content Warning - racism, transphobia, bigotry, hate]”            “Post No. 2,022 - Magickal Battle of the World - Weekly Meditation - Week No. 68 - Clearing/healing in detail”            “Post No. 2,011 - Bigots and their legacy of trauma”            “Post No. 1,992 - Dowsing The World’s Psychic Weather - Aether: Lesson Twenty-Three - Putting It altogether: Psychic Weather Maps”            “Post No. 1,867 - What’s in a cover, misconceptions about sacrifice, and access to basic knowledge”            “Post No. 1,769 - Magickal Battle of the World - Weekly Meditation - Week No. 40 - Knowing when and how to adopt a chosen direction / action”            “Post No. 1,768 - Dowsing The World’s Psychic Weather - Earth: Lesson Three - Considerations around Tools”            “Post No. 1,476 - Personal responsibility, and the evil of social status”            “Post No. 1,425 - Power”            “Post No. 034 - Doing things differently [Content Warning: automatic/unconscious biases are criticised]”      


From my political blog: 

“On managing bigots and their bigotry [Note: Content Warning - bigotry/hate. Reader discretion is advised]”            “The predecessor to stochastic t_rr_r_sm: inciting a crime [Note: Content Warning - links to items on bigotry, hate, violence. Reader discretion is advised]”            “Bias against one = favouritism for another”            “Sex, gender, brain wiring, discrimination, empowerment, and unmanaged unconscious bias”   (news links)            “On governance [Note: Content Warning - discussion and links to reports on CSA, bigotry/hate, violence/abuse. Reader discretion is advised]”            “A message to Chief Commissioners of Police everywhere [Content Warning: discussion on, and links to articles on, harm, abuse/misuse/lack of use of power, violence, unrealistic expectations]”            “Activism: taking opportunities”            “On privilege”            “The inadequacies and biases of “character” checks [Note: Content Warning - discussion on oppression/bigotry/hate, violence/abuse. Reader discretion is advised]”            “The NEED to keep ("unconscious") bigotry OUT of governance”            “Unconscious bias, whistleblowing, international law, and compensation for slavery [Note: Content Warning - links to reports on slavery, bigotry/hate, violence/abuse/war. Reader discretion is advised]”            “Extract from another activism email - transphobia and racism”            “A YouTube video on problems with power - and ways to prevent them [Content Warning: cruelty, abuse, violence, atrocities, abuse of power/scandals, bad choices, narcissism, politics, police violence]”            “Defending the functioning of democracy in Australia”            “ It is IMPOSSIBLE to be professional while one has unconscious bias”            “Social connection: a block to getting rid of discrimination - still?”            “The COWARDICE of thoughtless authoritarian thugs”            “On politicisation of the public service”            “The enabling and consequences of hate and amathia - including fascism and even more extreme right wing extremism [Content Warning - anger at violent bigotry]”            “Sloppy business practices: duck shoving thinking to inadequately programmed machine learning (“AI”)”            “On the march by far right wing extremists and transphobes and the counter-protests [Content Warning: hate, discrimination, violence, extremism]”            “At the convenience of racists”            “The concerning state of Australia’s public service”            “Some thoughts on diplomacy”            “The UK royal family and “Spare” [Note: Content Warning - bigotry, family & other abuse]”            “A masterclass in destroying an organisation”            “Meritocracy, lack of bias, and other myths (~2,400 words; 5 - 8 minute read)”            ““Fit and proper person” . . . a brief musing”            “Thoughts on a national campaign for mandatory sentencing of certain violent criminals”            “Endemic, systemic racism in authorities”            “Choices in a democracy - including inaction / foolish action / allowing evil”            “Extract from my submission to the Victorian LGBTIQ Strategy”            “New deputy police commissioners (for the state of Victoria, in Australia)”            “A draft proposal for a "gold standard" for inclusion and diversity”            “A brief commentary on submissions to the Anti-Vilification Protections Enquiry”            “A commentary on policing”            “My submission on the Morrison "government" 's proposed religious discrimination bill”            “Vale decency in Australia”           “Moving beyond lip service in human rights”     


From this glossary: 

  •    <TBC>  

In addition, I was working on a post on this topic when I wound my political blog up. I have, however, decided to post my rough draft, complete with notes/dot points on how to finish it, here, in case anyone wants to take this further: 

Start partial draft 

Some time ago, I wrote the following post: 

“A message to Chief Commissioners of Police everywhere [Content Warning: discussion on, and links to articles on, harm, abuse/misuse/lack of use of power, violence, unrealistic expectations]”      

Shortly thereafter, I met with my local state member about an idea I had for monitoring and managing the long term damage to police as a result of their service - particularly with respect to increasing hardening of attitudes/increasing conservative/increasing bias and/or unconscious bias.  

Those problematic biases as a result of their experience were also a key part of this post of mine: 

“Police are NOT scientific   [Note: Content Warning - discussion, and links to reports, on bigotry, violence, and abuse - including of power. Reader discretion is advised]”     

My local state MP passed my idea on to the Minister for Police, and in the fullness of time, I received the following reply (my draft response at end of this draft)

In addition to that, I have found the following links: 

Whilst noting the necessary and good measures that have been or are being undertaken, and the valid point that increased diversity is beneficial (in many ways) and thus essential, this actually misses the point of my suggestion. However, as I have attempted to “go through channels”, I have no hesitation in starting to write my idea up myself, and seeing if someone else will run with it. 

the first key point is: 

will power will NOT overpower the power of the unconscious  

additional points for completion of draft post:

New York Police have a programme addressing this - at a single point in time, but with ongoing monitoring

an assessment shows this results in better attitudes but still also need better regs/laws/etc 

if don't address, diversity will reduce in that force and measures will be limited in their impact 

an important side note here is that bias against one = favouritism for another 

I suspect that wording will have more impact 

it means if a black and a white person are doing the same thing, police bias against black is just a different way of saying favouritism for white 

copy text in from   post titled   “Bias against one = favouritism for another”  

second point is deterioration of attitudes (i.e., more bias) over time - unfavourable interactions with small numbers of a group leading to unfounded bias against all in the group over time

the problem is, there is no data on this aspect - what data exists appears to only look at mental health, not bias 

need new long term monitoring project

third point - demonstrate that a problem exists 

fourth point - community expectations (esp. re budget etc) can block effective change 

fifth point: solution needs to be addressed on all sides - but first point is data - longitudinal study by academics


My draft response to MP in response to police reply

Dear Member for _, 

I appreciate the Minister for Police taking the time to provide a clearly well-considered and genuine response to my suggestion, and would appreciate you conveying that to the Minister if you consider it appropriate. 

The measures outlined in the response are clearly significant, and will be beneficial (and are in fact, along the lines of actions I have advocated for) with regard to matters that are peripherally in the unconscious - i.e., matters that can be addressed by education and/or training. 

This is important, and will undoubtedly be beneficial. 

However, there are deeper levels of unconscious bias that are not so readily amenable to change. These are the aspects that I understand the New York police have sought to manage, and are, in workplaces, typically identified by (voluntary) surveys aimed at detecting such biases through trends in thinking and patterns of behaviour. Those parts of the unconscious that can be accessed by education are training are most likely in what Freud termed the "preconscious" [Ref. 1, 2]

From Ref. 1: 

How the Unconscious Mind Affects Behavior 

While the information in the unconscious mind is outside of awareness, it continues to have an influence on a person’s behavior. Some of the ways the unconscious can affect behavior include: 

- Negative thoughts 

- Self-defeating thoughts and behaviors 

- Feelings of anger 

- Compulsive behaviors 

- Childhood behavioral problems 

- Difficulties in interpersonal relationships 

- Distressing patterns in romantic relationships 

- Attitudes about others 

- Unhealthy habits 

- Distressing dreams - 

- First impressions of other people 

- Prejudice and stereotypes 

The last two points are particularly significant.

From Ref. 3: 

Will my unconscious make me do or say self-destructive things?  

The unconscious mind evolved as a way to help us survive. It’s not bent on anyone’s destruction. It is sometimes referred to as the “shadows of the mind,” because it was thought to be a shadow of the “real” mind. Although it is not a black hole of unacceptable impulses, it can be a source of hidden beliefs, biases—so-called implicit bias—fears, and attitudes that affect everyday thinking and behavior.

A more up to date critique on this topic is provided in “What Is the Unconscious Mind?”   

In addition, what I am concerned about is the long term harm caused to police and their values/worldview/unconscious biases. 

I am completely satisfied with the response from the Minister for Police. 

What I consider is necessary now is for me to more precisely and clearly define my suggestion - likely in conjunction with experts/academics, and then consider whether this is best managed by academia. 

I will provide you with a copy of my written suggestion and decision in due course, but this is likely to be some months from now. 

Thank you for your help on this matter. 


“Freud’s Unconcious [sic], Preconscious, and Conscious Minds”   “The Psychologist's Three Levels of Awareness”     

“Freud’s Theory of the Unconscious Mind”   This includes good graphics, and a critical evaluation     


Also, get an extract from  e.g.,  The police did not go to look for them so their friends and family did – only to find they had been killed.   ...   The case was horrifying enough but then Mina discovered that, afterwards, police officers who were supposed to be protecting the crime scene had taken and shared selfies with her daughters’ bodies. The shocking behaviour made headlines across the country.   Yet, rather than retreat into grief or rage, Mina decided to take action, giving talks to police and becoming an activist campaigning against violence against women. In time she found she had forgiven the man who murdered her daughters but says she cannot forgive the police until they change. She tells Helen Pidd about her life, hopes and where she finds her strength.  

End partial draft

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