This is a simple glossary in support of my Musings of Gnwmythr blog, so that I don't have to search for on-line references. It is NOT authoritative. [Content Warning - some definitions address distressing matters]
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Nevertheless, I have a few thoughts I want to record - particularly given that I am, above all else, writing these blogs for future incarnations of myself. This ... well, it is more a description of one aspect of discrimination than a "definition", but, whatever it is, came to me partly out of some meditation this morning, and I felt it was given to me for the purpose of recording, so here goes.
Actually, one last qualification before I get into this: this idea has surely been recorded in many other places in many other ways ...
Let's start by looking at a couple of characteristics that are stereotypically attributed to different groups of people. After working through lots of possible ways of identifying these, I decided to go with the colours I use elsewhere: purple and orange. You can, as is appropriate, attribute these to either gender or race or some other group. (More on that later.)
The stereotypical view of the occurrence of these in the two groups is as follows:
Each group has its respective characteristic, which doesn't appear in the other (e.g., all men are ... , all women are ... , or race Z is ... - and that goes for characteristics considered "good" as well as those considered "bad"), their world view is constructed accordingly, and the unevolved people having these views try to enforce them for - ultimately - their own personal comfort, security, and mental/intellectual/emotional laziness.
If we are dealing with slightly less unevolved people, they may bend to accepting that there is a slight distribution of these characteristics, along the following lines:
Now, the actual TRUTH is that both characteristics are likely to occur on the same axis, and have more of a bell curve distribution:
Furthermore, if we take out the active and malicious social engineering of neochristianity and similar Abrahamic religions over the last couple of millennia, and the other social engineering and patriarchy that went with the development of cities, to some extent, agriculture, and patriarchal social structures of the last five or ten millennia, the original (biological) distribution is probably along the following lines:
In other words, there quite possibly is a difference (this does NOT apply to "race"; the ONLY differences that exist there are as a result of cultural conditioning and the effects of massive, widespread and sustained discrimination/privilege), but it is nowhere near enough to justify the discrimination built up around it.
In fact, the ONLY valid way to view the occurrence of these characteristics is to - as the great Dr Martin Luther King, jr, said ("I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character") - assume that you don't know, and treat/judge each person on their specific merits/faults.
As a digression, my view is that "the law" tends to take a somewhat haphazard view of such characteristics, along the lines of the following:
Science is little better, if at all, as - in my experience - too many modern academics miss to many obvious, everyday/common sense issues/aspects/consequences. (I also have some cranky thoughts about some of the assumptions scientists and statisticians use, but that is a thought for another post ... )
Monday, 12 June 2017
Ley lines and Earth energy centres/vortices
So, very, very, VERY briefly:
- ley lines are more or less the Earth's equivalent of meridians in humans;
- energy centres or vortices or power spots/places (depending on which side of the tracks you're from) are more or less / sort of (depending on which side of the tracks you're from) the Earth's equivalent of chakras in humans.
- just as the number/quality of chakras in humans evolve, so too do energy structures in the Earth;
- my personal opinion, partly influenced by Bruce Cathie's controversial work, is that continental drift can result in a discrepancy between the current location of vortices/ley lines and geographical features that were associated with them/their creation;
- some energetic structures (some good, some not, some variable/indeterminate) are the creation of concentrated/prolonged human activity - and PAN's full moon ceremonies were at one time located to take advantage of this;
- just as problems (blockages, imbalances, too much/too little energy, etc) in human meridians and energy centres can cause problems, so too can problems with the Earth's meridians (i.e., ley lines) and chakras (i.e., vortices) cause problems - to the Earth, and the various forms of line within range of that disturbance;
- just as problems (blockages, imbalances, too much/too little energy, etc) in human meridians and energy centres can be fixed - or at least minimised, so too can problems with the Earth's meridians (i.e., ley lines) and chakras (i.e., vortices) be fixed - or at least minimised - it just may take a bigger, or longer effort than for humans ...
- (which I have installed on my Google Earth);
- and others which I may add as I re-find them :)
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
I realised I haven't done a post on this topic, so I will throw up some notes from my nonphysical strength workshop.
See also “Post No. 2,954 - Quantum entanglement”
I have also come across a useful reminder that accumulated links can also include quite a few that healers/helpers created - either deliberately or unintentionally - for the purpose of giving help/healing. If those are not dissolved from time to time, they can become a significant problem as a drain on energy that is BPM, not nonBPM.
However, I disagreed with the presentation on a number of aspects - firstly, the use of aspects of a magickal series that has been forever tainted by bigotry and hate; and secondly, that BPM links will re-establish themselves: no, not always.
Appendix C (Psychic) Links
Clearing a negative link:
- establish protection (and check that it is adequate);
- think of a time in your life when you most felt a generous, positive love, and relive that time or moment as much as possible, to rebuild those energies in your aura;
- ask you Guides to help you become aware of the location of the negative link that it is most important, for the Highest Spiritual Good, that you clear;
- when you have a sense of where that link is, allow the love you have built up to flow out through that link until you feel that is has totally dissolved. If this link was formed as a result of you doing wrong to someone else, you will be healing that person by this action;
- you can repeat this for other links, but I strongly recommend that you alternate between clearing negative and strengthening positive links;
- when you have finished, close your chakras and aura, centre and ground yourself, thank the Guides for their help, and allow the protection to ease back to whatever your Guides wish you to have for normal, everyday life.
Strengthening a positive link:
- establish protection (and check that it is adequate);
- think of a time in your life when you most felt a generous, positive love, and relive that time or moment as much as possible, to rebuild those energies in your aura;
- ask you Guides to help you become aware of the location of the positive link that it is most important, for the Highest Spiritual Good, that you strengthen;
- when you have a sense of where that link is, allow the love you have built up to flow out through that link until you feel the love coming back (at the other end of the link, the person receiving this link may find themselves suddenly thinking warmly of you);
- you can repeat this for other links;
- when you have finished, close your chakras and aura, centre and ground yourself, thank the Guides for their help, and allow the protection to ease back to whatever your Guides wish you to have for normal, everyday life.
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