Monday, 12 May 2014


PS - see also, which I am going to study and see how it compares with the system I was guided to, and 

“Chakras - Midday With Rev Don”   This has an excellent discussion on history, “allowing different systems to touch” rather than chasing a notion of “purity”, and change     

Chakras are energy centres in the body and aura – places where energy changes from a higher level of existence to this level (in my perspective), and flows out into the various levels of the aura. The energy flowing through these moves in a spiral, causing them to often be seen clairvoyantly as rotating discs (the word ‘chakra’ is itself apparently Sanskrit for ‘wheel’).
In the same way that organs in the physical body have functions (e.g. the heart has the function of pumping blood), so do the chakras (e.g. the ‘stomach’ or ‘solar plexus’ chakra with emotions). If a chakra is clogged with negative energy, overloaded or spinning out of balance, the function of that chakra will be impaired. (Even stress can cause this sort of impairment.)
People tend to talk about seven major chakras, and minor ones in joints and organs, but Katrina Raphaell has identified twelve – and I use a thirteen chakra system, adding one that Shirley Maclaine has also identified. I also consider that we have a nonphysical body associated with most of the major chakras, and agree with Ms Maclaine that chakras can come into existence as a result of evolution.
The concept of chakras is by no means universally accepted, with some disputing their existence, others claiming they are actually something else, yet others associating them with organs but not elsewhere, etc. To further complicate matters, I view the chakras most used as an indication of the level of spiritual maturity that one has attained.
For very brief extracts on each chakra, see:
As of the time this definition was written, I’ve touched on this idea in the following posts:
     Sain bain uu
     Working together

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