Monday 12 May 2014

energy psychic

The way I explain this term on my website is:
“I sense energy: earth and nature-based energies, past life energies, the energy of earthbound entities, auras, etc. I use that sensing, and the training and experience I have had since the early 1980s, in a range of ways.”
I’ve explored labels on my spiritual journey, tried quite a few, and in the end, felt that the most accurate way to label myself (an unavoidable step, if you wish to say “hello, how are you?” in less than a week) is to describe the essence of me – which is that I am what used to be called ‘a Sensitive’ – specifically, I am sensitive to earth energies and some other forms of energy. I use that sensitivity to direct my actions, using what I have learned in this life, with a view to making the energy state of this world better (i.e., I am trying to make this world ‘better’ by having more spiritually harmonious energy, and less disharmonious).
I’ve written about my quest through various labels, and why I have become disenchanted with various labels, on my blog, at
Oh, and my primary identification is often still ‘Pagan’ – the conversation is shorter that way than if I say ‘energy psychic’, but I do use the latter if I want someone to genuinely understand me J .

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