Sunday, 27 April 2014


Also see   and  

In the sense I generally use it on my blogs (it can also refer to a deity or the” atmosphere” [sense or feeling] of a place or source), the aura is often described as an emanation or subtle energy   -   my high school Pocket Oxford Dictionary (1966 edition) gives one definition of this as “a subtle emanation”. This can almost suggest it is like the visible light that emanates from a globe when it is lit – or a coronal discharge   (see;   however, the aura is actually an essential energetic part of our nonphysical being – it is those parts of our nonphysical bodies (yes, plural) that exist outside the confines of our physical body.

When our aura is affected by something, we are affected;   when we are affected by something, it often shows in our aura   -   which can be sensed in a range of ways.

When we do energy work (including meditation, colour exercises, yoga, etc), the benefits will potentially also be realised in our nonphysical bodies – including our aura.

In addition to that, much as the surface of water is described as a “meniscus”   (see, or (more loosely used) “skin”, so too does our aura have a skin. Perhaps more usefully, it can also be compared to the skin of the human body:   it, amongst other things, protects what is inside from what is out, but it does engage in useful interchanges – i.e., it is said to “breathe” (gas exchanges, perspiration, etc).

The skin of our aura can suffer tears, and also needs to be cared for – as do other parts of our being. 


See also:














When this definition was first written, I had touched on this idea in the following posts: 

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