PS - see also “Patron (Tutelary) Deities in Modern Paganism”, by John Beckett on the Under the Ancient Oaks blog.
Also see the “Correllian Book of the Dead”
It is possible for someone to form a particular connection with one Deity ahead of others (unless one is monotheistic, but this blog is not written around those sorts of views - which too often lead, in my experience, to intolerance). This is often portrayed in modern teachings as a form of friendship, but it is much deeper than that - and even that aspect may be abused by the incarnate, in my experience. Furthermore, sometimes this relationship may involve little that one would necessarily consider friendly in the modern sense.
First, let's consider the word 'Patron'. In this context, it means someone who is able to, and does provide, assistance. That assistance could be protection, teaching, skills, etc.
However, it is a two way street. In much the same way that a friend who is neglected or taken advantage of in the mundane world will eventually no longer be a friend, a Patron or Matron or non-Binary or Tutelary Deity is someone who one should actively seek to cultivate a relationship with. In the interests of showing proper gratitude and a fair and balanced relationship, that will also involve the person being benefitted, the incarnate person, doing work for, or giving energy or other gifts to (when I light a candle to request something from a Deity, I light two in reverence to give more than I take), the Patron Deity.
As an example, consider my Patron Deity Tyr. The service I provide to Him is working for social justice; the benefits I receive include courage, strength, perception and protection. If I consider my Matron Deity Gyhldeptis, the service I provide to Her is seeking to get people working together; the benefits I receive are assistance with opportunities for this to be done, and the insight and word skills to accomplish that.
These are fairly comfortable relationships, as my and the respective Deity's aims coincide. But heed this! I have never chosen any of my Matron/non-binary/Patron/Tutelary Deities! THEY chose me - or, rather, they CLAIMED me. Richard Bach once wrote something along the lines that a book is an idea that smashes its way through a wall, gently seizes you, and says it will not let go until it has been written. Matron/non-binary/Patron/Tutelary Deities, in my experience, are like that. If you've read through a list of Deities and their characteristics to 'chose' a Matron/non-binary/Patron/Tutelary Deity that you most like, you may not actually have a Matron/non-binary/Patron/Tutelary relationship, no matter how much sucking up you do. If you just expect the Deity to do your bidding without ANY 'sucking up', you are kidding yourself - you have NOTHING.
The relationship with Matron/non-binary/Patron/Tutelary Deities can be more difficult - for instance the work I do for Yinepu (who most people refer to by His Greek name, Anubis) is spirit rescue. Often this is enjoyable or at least rewarding, but at times it is difficult, challenging, exhausting work - especially so when I was learning. The work I do for Bast, the work where I am seeking to protect cats against human cruelty, can be extremely upsetting.
This can get even more difficult if your Matron/non-binary/Patron/Tutelary Deity is not so easily anthropomorphised into a human image ...
In the old days, my impression is that, often, it was the quality of one's relationship with a Deity that mattered more than whether or not that Deity's attributes best suit the goal you have. That meant, establish a good, healthy relationship with a Deity, and ask that Deity to intercede with others if need be, rather than being so arrogant as to presume that all Deities exist to serve your whims. They have tasks and work you know: anything they can do for you is a minor - miniscule - matter for them, not something of pressing importance.
There can also be changes in all this - see here.
I'll leave this definition at that, for now, but I may add more at a future time.
I’ve touched on this topic in the following posts:
For my original writing ONLY on this blog:
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