Monday, 18 December 2023

spiritual ecosystem

In much the same way that physical existence has a wide range of species (biological diversity) to meet specific needs and enable adaptation to change, so too do the different types of people (neurodivergent, LGBTQIASB+, etc) exist to meet specific spiritual needs and enable continued spiritual evolution. 

This does NOT apply to races, which are a physical aspect, but MAY apply to some cultures. 

It also does not apply to many religions, which are more akin to tools that human use to impact the physical world: as tools evolve over time and older, simplerr, less apt tools are discarded, so too are religions meant to evolve and adapt.

I first mentioned this concept in  

See also   spiritual evolution   and   spiritual maturity   and   the “Correllian Book of the Dead”  


Note that others use this phrase in a way that is basically Paganism (but without the honesty to admit that): caring for physical ecosystems is a sacred duty, and feeds us spiritually - see, for instance,   and   As that concept is better expressed in Paganism and other Indigenous religions (Paganism is the Indigenous religion of Europe), I consider it should be referred using existing terms rather than creating a colonialist (as it ignores the Indigenous religious values which already cover the concept) and grammatically sloppy portmanteau. 

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