Thursday, 21 December 2023

the evil that is known as fascism

This is another post where I will dump a collection of links for reference purposes: 



from the Internet and other sources: 

  • “LIVE: TOP Psychiatrist BACK with MAJOR UPDATE on Trump Mental Collapse | The Weekend Show”   The commentary on circumstances where personal interviews are not necessary or are even unhelpful was informative, surprising, and interesting - and has given some nuance to the Goldwater Rule, IMO. However, IMO, the suggestion that mental fitness evaluations should be performed is potentially dangerous: consider if that were to be set up by Trump appointees, or was assessed through the racist / sexist / ableist / ageist / other biases/bigotries that have historically plagued the psychiatric/psychological industries and the politico-economic-social soup they operate in ... Having made that point, if that can be managed, it is similar to something I have thought about fairly often: testing for unconscious biases, including authoritarianism, so those biases/favouritisms can be managed.      The point that fascism is a mental health issue, rather than a political one, at around 24:38, is MAJOR - and fits what we see in history.   At 40:00:   “Yes, you’re right - because his speeches are dangerous. He may not be able to form sentences, but he knows how to manipulate minds, yeah. Now A____ H_tl_r was was said to be a seismograph of crowds, meaning that he could sense the needs of the crowds - sense their, uh, emotional vulnerabilities and dispositions, and to be able to play on those things, uh, as if playing an instrument. To be able to uh essentially turn them into his instruments, and, uh, Donald Trump has the same ability. It may be seen as an in-as an ingenious skill, but it’s actually compensatory. It’s compensatory of his lack of empathy, compassion, conscience, his inability to connect with other people emotionally, and so he has seen people not as other human beings,  but as instruments to attain his goals”   It all reminds me of what Voltaire wrote:   “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”   And the final comments about Trump spreading symptoms of mental illness are both credible, based on what I have seen, and terrifying ...      Additional relevant links are:   “Bandy X. Lee”      “Goldwater rule”   “(the evil that is known as) fascism”      



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