Sunday, 27 April 2014

Balanced Positive

PS - see also “Shrine of Balanced Positivity”     
In Stuart Holroyd’s magnificent book "Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth" (pub. Corgi, 1977;   first pub. W.H. Allen, London;   Copyright ©  Lab Nine, Ltd, 1977;   ISBN   0 552 10997 5;   as the re-issued “The Nine: Briefing From Deep Space”:   Barnes & Noble,   Amazon;   original version, sometimes titled Prelude to ...:   Scribd,   Internet Archive,   Google Books,   Amazon) , he describes contact with a group known as “The Nine” (who crop up in a few other places as well). They have some interesting views on a range of matters, one of which is that we should be aiming to be “balanced positive” – i.e., not negative, but not “holier than thou” extremist (fanatical?) versions of spirituality.
My personal ‘code word’ that I was taught (see here) to use for all those people who seek to have, or to help others to have, ‘balanced positive spirituality’, is ‘Divine Light Force’, abbreviated to DLF. It covers all references to ‘White (i.e., positive energy’) Brotherhoods/Sisterhoods’ and hierarchies of all sorts.
To some extent, this is predicated on the association between ‘higher frequency’, or more evolved, energies and a perception of brightness, but it also is based on the concept of Deity, as in ‘the Divine’.
I now use (one of) the phrase(s) ‘Balanced Positive’, ‘Balanced Positive Light Forces’, ‘Balanced Positive Light Force’, or  ‘Balanced Positive Light’ which is based on the teaching in Holroyd’s book, rather than DLF – and the appropriate acronym (i.e., BPF, BPLF, or BPL, typically).
For the opposite of Balanced Positive, I use non-BPF or non-BPLF (or non-BPL), whereas I used to use non-DLF.
Subsequent to writing the above definition, I have started developing this into a philosophical approach to living, which I am terming 'Balanced Positivity'. 

As of the time this definition was written, I’ve touched on this idea in posts here, here, here and here.I've speculated here about the history of Balanced Positivity, that it goes back to the Pagan philosophers Plato and Aristotle. For other links that are relevant to this topic, see the "Balanced Positivity, Spiritual Maturity, Peace and Personal Conduct" sub-section of the "Key posts: a (slightly!) shorter listing ... " section of my Blogiography.
PS - see also: 
As I continue my current project to apply labels and update past projects, the posts the above link to will probably change. I will also, at some dim, distant, future date, probably revise this definition.

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