This is a simple glossary in support of my Musings of Gnwmythr blog, so that I don't have to search for on-line references. It is NOT authoritative. [Content Warning - some definitions address distressing matters]
Monday, 29 September 2014
etheric travel (partial DRAFT)
etheric (partial DRAFT)
Sunday, 21 September 2014
The first, is inappropriate responses to agape type love. This is something I've written about here.
The next, which is more important, in my view is that of behaving as if everyone was already spiritually evolved, or acting as if the world was as peaceful as it should be, or as if everyone was able to operate effectively from the basis of the truth that, at a much higher level of reality, we are all one. To me, this, which I've written about here and here, is a little like a child at primary school quibbling about using cuisenaire, on the grounds that ultimately, a dozen or so years later, the child will have to work with calculators and advanced mathematical skills such as calculus, and Fourier and Laplace Transformations.
In the second link I gave in the previous paragraph, I write about the struggles to develop some universality of love/goodwill (or at least a genuine neutrality), which may be exacerbated by:
- inappropriate/wrong views on the Universe / Deity/the nature of our interconnectedness / the "basic reasons" (aka “rewards”) for attempting to achieve this;
- inappropriate/wrong views regarding situations where other people are “not nice”; and
- a fear that such a more universal love may lessen one’s earlier loves - e.g., of family, friends, etc.
I've written about this concept elsewhere as well:
- Post No. 546 - where I write about the saying "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater"
- Post No. 479 - where I about inappropriate advice - which is often based on a superficial or shallow assessment of situation or matter
- Post No. 465 - which includes a comment about inappropriate expectations of others
- Post No. 402 - inappropriate responses to a child who has been bullied; on that, note also Post No. 330
- Post No. 392 - inappropriate emphasis
- Post No. 307 - contains a few references
- Post No. 196 - inappropriate survival mechanisms
- Post No. 178 - inappropriate fear
- Post No. 058 - inappropriate responses of people being healed
- Post No. 040 - inappropriate energies
- Post No. 028 - scientific methods can be inappropriate
- Post No. 025 - inappropriate tolerance of nonBPLF behaviour
- Post No. 024 - them and us - inappropriate conditioning
- Post No. 020 secret science of hugs - inappropriate energies/flows
Saturday, 13 September 2014
psychic attack
PS - see also:
- the “Witch Wars Defence Manual” Vol’s One (here) and Two (Correllian Publishing and Amazon, discussion/review here[YouTube])
Psychic attack is the directing of negative ('harmful') energies or other units towards a person, place, thing or event. I don't care whether it is conscious or unconscious, direct or indirect, done with skill or without: it is all psychic attack.
If you are jealous of someone and do not contain that energy totally (which is almost impossible, incidentally), you are guilty of psychic attack. Want someone to do something or to like or love you and wish hard for it? Psychic attack combined with the evil of control.
It is incredibly easy to wind up doing psychic attack - which means virtually every person on the planet has done this, is doing it, or could do it at a future date - no matter how evolved you may think you are.
So ... what's the solution? Know thyself, and know how to clear negative units.
As of the time this
definition was written, I’ve touched on this idea in the following posts:
Post No. 007. Psychic attack, energy, protection and
physical and non-physical responsibility;
Post No. 039. Know Thyself, Be Thyself and Occlumency:
A Mediumship Primer;
Post No. 060. The Middle Ages and Today's Psychic
Post No. 090. Logic Flaws;
Post No. 319. Psychic attack;
Post No. 323. Asking for protection;
Post No. 532. Phagic Attack;
I’ve also made reference to this idea in the following posts:
Post No. 029. Protection;
Post No. 042.
Psychic Attack: Being Caught Out;
Post No.171.
Convenience vs. Responsibility;
Post No. 434.
Retribution - aka, "counter-attacks";
Post No. 483. Psychic Attack, grounding out energy and
using Harry Potter;
Post No. 552 - Some Sunnudagr Speculations - including some thoughts for tonight's
Some links to writings by others:
For my original writing ONLY on this blog:
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Temple (partial DRAFT)
Joining a Coven or Temple may require an initiation, or series of initiations (see here for something generic I've written on this concept).
Now, as an addition to the strict definition, I urge you to keep in mind that all Covens, Temples and other groups are just that: groups of humans coming together for a specific purpose, or purposes. As such, they may be flawed, hopefully becoming less flawed as they gain experience (although becoming rigid with age is a possibility, as well), and they are composed of humans who are always flawed, and have varying degrees of skill when it comes to dealing with personal and group flaws, group dynamics and problems, and the attainment of the group's goals.
Furthermore, in much the same way as we can be in harmony or disharmony with a particular piece or style of music, a smell or a colour, or other individuals or groups, so too can we be in harmony or disharmony with a Coven or Temple OR IT'S AIMS. Being in disharmony does NOT necessarily mean that group or aim is wrong or evil, any more than it means the person is defective in some way: it ONLY means that you need to move on, graciously, and find a group that IS in harmony with you.
Next, you should NEVER agree to sex - or it's simulation (aka 'The Great Rite') - under duress. Any Coven or Temple that claims sex is an essential part of its conduct is wrong, and is actually abusive. Leave, and consider reporting them if they have breached the law.
I also personally have no time for any group that insists on nudity (often termed being 'skyclad'). If people are genuinely naturists, or are comfortable with nudity, that is fine ... BUT any attempt to force this sort of behaviour on the grounds that it is a way of ensuring trust is utterly backwards: trust comes with time and experience and people PROVING that they can be trusted - and then, AFTER you have established trust, you can have a discussion about consensual, duress-free skyclad work.
Of course, if you are joining a group where they have already established practices of working skyclad, you cannot expect them to change to suit you - you may have to decide whether that group is something you can be comfortable with, or whether you need to continue your search.
I've not had to make the choice to join or not join a group on the basis of working skyclad, but I have chosen to leave groups on the basis of ethics or other conditions - for example, expectations around tithing, availability at expense of family, etc. I have, in some such instances, genuinely lost access to some knowledge that I haven't been able to access elsewhere - but I remain comfortable with my conscience.
Coven (partial DRAFT)
A group of Witches/Wiccans/etc coming together to celebrate Esbats (I interpret that term as Full Moons and Dark or New Moons) or Sabbats (I am familiar with the eight Festivals that man people consider the Sabbats, but have also tried to develop a system that better suits where I live) or other rituals (see here for a list of rituals I've written and shared on this blog) occasionally does not, in my opinion, make them a coven, as they lack the more intense sense of intentional purpose that a Coven has. Also, a Coven may, over time, develop a Group Mind, which joining others on a basically ad hoc way from time to time, does not.
Commonly, in my experience, the purposes covens may exist for are to teach their beliefs or otherwise share their knowledge, to plan and perform rituals (e.g. the aforementioned rituals for Esbats or Sabbats), or perhaps to accomplish some other purpose (Diana L. Paxson talks of what can be described as mediumship, for instance - see here and here).
When a Coven is part of an established Tradition, it is referred to as a 'Temple'. For instance, the Correllian Tradition has a number of Temples, including, as a specific example that I know nothing of, the Holy City Temple.
Joining a Coven or Temple may require an initiation, or series of initiations (see here for something generic I've written on this concept).
Now, as an addition to the strict definition, I urge you to keep in mind that all Covens, Temples and other groups are just that: groups of humans coming together for a specific purpose, or purposes. As such, they may be flawed, hopefully becoming less flawed as they gain experience (although becoming rigid with age is a possibility, as well), and they are composed of humans who are always flawed, and have varying degrees of skill when it comes to dealing with personal and group flaws, group dynamics and problems, and the attainment of the group's goals.
Furthermore, in much the same way as we can be in harmony or disharmony with a particular piece or style of music, a smell or a colour, or other individuals or groups, so too can we be in harmony or disharmony with a Coven or Temple OR IT'S AIMS. Being in disharmony does NOT necessarily mean that group or aim is wrong or evil, any more than it means the person is defective in some way: it ONLY means that you need to move on, graciously, and find a group that IS in harmony with you.
Next, you should NEVER agree to sex - or it's simulation (aka 'The Great Rite') - under duress. Any Coven or Temple that claims sex is an essential part of its conduct is wrong, and is actually abusive. Leave, and consider reporting them if they have breached the law.
I also personally have no time for any group that insists on nudity (often termed being 'skyclad'). If people are genuinely naturists, or are comfortable with nudity, that is fine ... BUT any attempt to force this sort of behaviour on the grounds that it is a way of ensuring trust is utterly backwards: trust comes with time and experience and people PROVING that they can be trusted - and then, AFTER you have established trust, you can have a discussion about consensual, duress-free skyclad work.
Of course, if you are joining a group where they have already established practices of working skyclad, you cannot expect them to change to suit you - you may have to decide whether that group is something you can be comfortable with, or whether you need to continue your search.
I've not had to make the choice to join or not join a group on the basis of working skyclad, but I have chosen to leave groups on the basis of ethics or other conditions - for example, expectations around tithing, availability at expense of family, etc. I have, in some such instances, genuinely lost access to some knowledge that I haven't been able to access elsewhere - but I remain comfortable with my conscience.
circle (partial DRAFT)
Note that Spiritualist religious 'dogma' (some branches of Spiritualism are 'registered as churches - e.g., in Australia, which, as I understand it, requires seven 'congregations' following a prescribed set of rules) or practice is based around mediumship and/or psychism to contact nonphysical realms - or, more specifically, the wiser or more skilled entities currently living there.
Monday, 8 September 2014
discarnate (partial DRAFT)
obsession (partial DRAFT)
- The Thompson-Gifford Case (A Documentary by Dr Keith Parsons) - an example of powerful obsession that, poorly handled, ultimately becomes destructive;
- The Watseka Wonder - (A Documentary by Dr Keith Parsons) - a well known case of possession (that I have referred to elsewhere on this blog);
- Spirit Possession, Spirit Release - (A Documentary by Dr. Keith Parsons) - largely on Carl Wickland's work, which was, in my opinion, influenced by some of the biases of his time.