Thursday, 21 December 2023

the evil that is known as fascism

This is another post where I will dump a collection of links for reference purposes: 



from the Internet and other sources: 

  • “LIVE: TOP Psychiatrist BACK with MAJOR UPDATE on Trump Mental Collapse | The Weekend Show”   The commentary on circumstances where personal interviews are not necessary or are even unhelpful was informative, surprising, and interesting - and has given some nuance to the Goldwater Rule, IMO. However, IMO, the suggestion that mental fitness evaluations should be performed is potentially dangerous: consider if that were to be set up by Trump appointees, or was assessed through the racist / sexist / ableist / ageist / other biases/bigotries that have historically plagued the psychiatric/psychological industries and the politico-economic-social soup they operate in ... Having made that point, if that can be managed, it is similar to something I have thought about fairly often: testing for unconscious biases, including authoritarianism, so those biases/favouritisms can be managed.      The point that fascism is a mental health issue, rather than a political one, at around 24:38, is MAJOR - and fits what we see in history.   At 40:00:   “Yes, you’re right - because his speeches are dangerous. He may not be able to form sentences, but he knows how to manipulate minds, yeah. Now A____ H_tl_r was was said to be a seismograph of crowds, meaning that he could sense the needs of the crowds - sense their, uh, emotional vulnerabilities and dispositions, and to be able to play on those things, uh, as if playing an instrument. To be able to uh essentially turn them into his instruments, and, uh, Donald Trump has the same ability. It may be seen as an in-as an ingenious skill, but it’s actually compensatory. It’s compensatory of his lack of empathy, compassion, conscience, his inability to connect with other people emotionally, and so he has seen people not as other human beings,  but as instruments to attain his goals”   It all reminds me of what Voltaire wrote:   “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”   And the final comments about Trump spreading symptoms of mental illness are both credible, based on what I have seen, and terrifying ...      Additional relevant links are:   “Bandy X. Lee”      “Goldwater rule”   “(the evil that is known as) fascism”      



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my major posts:

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my other posts:

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my other “definitions”: 

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Monday, 18 December 2023

spiritual ecosystem

In much the same way that physical existence has a wide range of species (biological diversity) to meet specific needs and enable adaptation to change, so too do the different types of people (neurodivergent, LGBTQIASB+, etc) exist to meet specific spiritual needs and enable continued spiritual evolution. 

This does NOT apply to races, which are a physical aspect, but MAY apply to some cultures. 

It also does not apply to many religions, which are more akin to tools that human use to impact the physical world: as tools evolve over time and older, simplerr, less apt tools are discarded, so too are religions meant to evolve and adapt.

I first mentioned this concept in  

See also   spiritual evolution   and   spiritual maturity   and   the “Correllian Book of the Dead”  


Note that others use this phrase in a way that is basically Paganism (but without the honesty to admit that): caring for physical ecosystems is a sacred duty, and feeds us spiritually - see, for instance,   and   As that concept is better expressed in Paganism and other Indigenous religions (Paganism is the Indigenous religion of Europe), I consider it should be referred using existing terms rather than creating a colonialist (as it ignores the Indigenous religious values which already cover the concept) and grammatically sloppy portmanteau. 

For my original writing ONLY on this blog: 

Copyright © Kayleen White 2016-2025     

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Friday, 8 December 2023

(the five) stress responses

Recently my response to a stressful situation showed that the fight-flight-freeze-fawn stress response is missing a fifth descriptor: network & nurture, more commonly known these days as tend & befriend. 
The long standing fight or flight description of stress responses was another of the situations where medical research suffered from a male bias - not only in terms of the responses, but also in the limited interpretations of things like genes, which ignored the complexities of human behaviour/social situations (how people are raised, peer influences, media, etc)
Subsequently those two options were extended to include freeze or fawn, which is discussed in the links below: 
  • “The Fawn Response: How Trauma Can Lead to People-Pleasing”   “Difficulty saying ‘no,’ fear of saying what you really feel, and denying your own needs — these are all signs of the fawn response”   
However, there other responses identified before the freeze and fawn responses: network and nurture, and tend and befriend. 

In the case of the stressful situation I mentioned, my immediate reaction was to call on the network of allies in the workplace that I have nurtured over the years, and two of those people are doing a sterling (and successful within a day, by the way) job on my behalf - which is and example of network & nurture
I have generally considered that tend and befriend was a variation of network and nurture, but definitions tend to vary a bit. For the purposes of this post, which is for my convenience, and does NOT seek to be definitive:
  • Network - where the discomforted person seeks to build a group or network (such as old boys clubs, private schools, irrelevant admission criteria in any organisation, groups against LGBTIQ+ people [or some thereof], etc) against the idea they find discomforting; and
  • Nurture - where the discomforted person seeks solace from others who also cling to the idea that is threatened (such as friends, families [especially if the family has a powerful group mind [“egregore”], priests of that religion, etc).
From, which is citing “Biobehavioral responses to stress in females: tend-and-befriend, not fight-or-flight”
  • Tending involves nurturant activities designed to protect the self and offspring that promote safety and reduce distress; 
  • befriending is the creation and maintenance of social networks that may aid in this process.
These tend to suggest they are more or less equivalent. 
However, whether network and nurture or tend and befriend, when I have talked to people in workplaces who exhibit stereotypical male behaviour (including a couple of ciswomen), they've wrongly thought this was the fawn response - and error which assumes there are only two people in the situations: the source of the threat, and the person being threatened. In actual fact, there are also bystanders and allies - and environment/context. 
Hopefully a few decades of less stereotypical male and less binary gendered research will see that fifth stress response come into wide  use. 
Following are a few morre links: 

You can find articles from my main blog which touch on stress at:

PS - see also this timely YouTube video:   “Fawning Causes Abusive, Toxic Relationships for Autistic People”  

PPS - also, from a news post of mine: 

Copyright © Kayleen White 2016-2023     NO AI   I do not consent to any machine learning aka Artificial Intelligence (AI), generative AI, large language model, machine learning, chatbot, or other automated analysis, generative process, or replication program to reproduce, mimic, remix, summarise, or otherwise  replicate any part of this post or other posts on this blog via any means. Typos may be inserrted deliberately to demonstrate this is not an AI product.     Otherwise, fair and reasonable use is accepted under Creative Commons 4.0 on an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike basis