Monday 3 November 2014

[Content Warning - racism] white light

When I started on this spiritual path, referring to the time my formal conscious world training started, some 30 years ago, I was not the same person I am now. I knew less, I was less aware, and I had no qualms using the term “white light” for positive energy.
I now know more, and am aware of the contribution that such usage can make to endemic racism. I therefore have been retraining myself for some time now to use the term “positive energy” or “clear light” (particularly in relation to anything to do with Tibetan Buddhism, as clear light is a more accurate translation) rather than “white light” – which is what the latter means: positive, constructive energy. Such energies have clearer shades and tones than negative energy – hence, for instance, any energy for which you can name a colour (e.g. red, green, white and black) will have both a clear version (i.e., a constructive energy), and a murkier tone indicating a negative or warped version.
If you seek the ultimate in intense positive energy, it is a “colour” that is so brilliant it has no colour – this is what was often simplified to “white”, maybe out of some version of artistic licence, but there could well have been, historically, an element of racism to it.
So … for “white light” anywhere you come across it, please change it to “positive energy” or “clear light” instead - and please be willing to educate people a little about the problems of racism that is so ubiquitous that it is like water to a fish, and how many seemingly small things like this contribute to it, and how not falling in to this sort of trap is an important spiritual matter. 


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