Monday 3 November 2014

shadow self (interim DRAFT)

Something I’ve been thinking about for a while is doing a post on shadow work, which is something I have developed a more nuanced understanding of over time. I’m still thinking about and trying to plan a potential post/definition, I’ve already provided an interim definition, which is:
This is all the bits of one’s being that one likes to hide away in the shadows where others won’t see them – our fears, faults and imperfections, as well as our less admirable motivations and those parts of ourself that we are ashamed of or guilty about. This is that murky part of ourself where we have things like body-image problems, negative self-talk, etc ... and those bits of our history where we created negative karma.
And here are a few links which may be of interest/value:
Posts of mine which have, in part, touched on this topic are:

PS - a more recent (1981) use of the term is in economics - see

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