This is another post where I will dump a collection of links for reference purposes:
from the Internet and other sources:
- “The 12 Early Warning Signs of Fascism”
- note also: Tr_ mp kept a book of H_t l_r’s speeches by his bedside (and has admitted to having a copy of M__n K___f) and speaks like H_t l_r and M_ss_ l_n_ and has referred to the regime of and expressed admiration for H_t l_r, the Tr_ mp family that stayed in Germany served or were members of the N_ z_ party, M_ sk’s family’s links to H_t l_r and use of the fascist salute - which will "spur violence", was welcomed by right wing extremists (and a low rung radical right/M_ G_/Tr_ mp cultist emulated M_ sk), and actively and openly expressed support by radical right/M_ G_/Tr_ mp cultists for H_t l_r,
- Council on Foreign Relations: World101 - “What Is Fascism?” when accessed, last updated on 14th April, 2023
- The Conversation: “What is fascism?” 26th February , 2021
- Time: “What to Know About the Origins of Fascism’s Brutal Ideology” when accessed, last updated on 22nd March, 2019
- Radical Women: “Build a democratic united front to stop the far-right “freedom” movement” 17th December, 2021 and “No to Red-baiting in the Reproductive Justice Movement” 2nd August, 2022 and “Women Resist Fascism: Yesterday and Today” (notes for a course)
- Freedom Socialist Party: multiple articles at and (Note: is marxist, but their material on fascism is good)
-,, and
- “N_z_ Fanatics and Gangland Executions | B2W: ZEITGEIST! I E.26 Winter 1925” and “Rise of Evil - From Populism to Fascism | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1932 Part 4 of 4” from the “The Rise of N_z_ Germany” playlist
- “LIVE: TOP Psychiatrist BACK with MAJOR UPDATE on Trump Mental Collapse | The Weekend Show” The commentary on circumstances where personal interviews are not necessary or are even unhelpful was informative, surprising, and interesting - and has given some nuance to the Goldwater Rule, IMO. However, IMO, the suggestion that mental fitness evaluations should be performed is potentially dangerous: consider if that were to be set up by Trump appointees, or was assessed through the racist / sexist / ableist / ageist / other biases/bigotries that have historically plagued the psychiatric/psychological industries and the politico-economic-social soup they operate in ... Having made that point, if that can be managed, it is similar to something I have thought about fairly often: testing for unconscious biases, including authoritarianism, so those biases/favouritisms can be managed. The point that fascism is a mental health issue, rather than a political one, at around 24:38, is MAJOR - and fits what we see in history. At 40:00: “Yes, you’re right - because his speeches are dangerous. He may not be able to form sentences, but he knows how to manipulate minds, yeah. Now A____ H_tl_r was was said to be a seismograph of crowds, meaning that he could sense the needs of the crowds - sense their, uh, emotional vulnerabilities and dispositions, and to be able to play on those things, uh, as if playing an instrument. To be able to uh essentially turn them into his instruments, and, uh, Donald Trump has the same ability. It may be seen as an in-as an ingenious skill, but it’s actually compensatory. It’s compensatory of his lack of empathy, compassion, conscience, his inability to connect with other people emotionally, and so he has seen people not as other human beings, but as instruments to attain his goals” It all reminds me of what Voltaire wrote: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” And
the final comments about Trump spreading symptoms of mental illness are
both credible, based on what I have seen, and terrifying ... Additional relevant links are: “Bandy X. Lee” “Goldwater rule” “(the evil that is known as) fascism”
- <for other, future posts>
- “Fascism: A Warning” by Madeleine Albright and Bill Woodward, pub. William Collins, 2018, ISBN-13 (paperback) 978-0008282301 Amazon
- "On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century" by Timothy Snyder, pub. Vintage Publishing, 2017, ISBN 978-1847924889 Amazon:
- “The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia” by Masha Gessen, pub. Granta Books, 2017, ISBN-13 (paperback) 978-1594634543 Amazon:
my major posts:
- <for other, future posts>
- “The far right’s undeclared global war [Note: Content Warning - links to reports on bigotry/hate, violence/abuse/war. Reader discretion is advised]”
- “Review and lessons from TimeGhost Army’s “Rise of Evil - From Populism to Fascism”” Saturday 12th October 2019
- “A YouTube video on problems with power - and ways to prevent them [Content Warning: cruelty, abuse, violence, atrocities, abuse of power/scandals, bad choices, narcissism, politics, police violence]” Wednesday 30th August 2023
- “One of the evils of fascism” Thursday 12th January 2023
- “The coming global waves of hates ... and canaries in the mine (~930 words; 3 - 5 min. read)” Thursday 8th September 2022
- “Emotional, psychological, social, intellectual, legal, and MORAL blindness to cruelty (~1,800 words - 8 - 11 min. read)” Friday 20th May 2022
- “Digital dumbness, the still active evil of n___sm, and an Australian Magnitsky Act” Thursday 28th October 2021 which includes: as the victims of neo-nazi violence in Australia give evidence of their experiences, neo-nazis in the USA are being successfully fought using legal action - by the costs being imposed;
- “The USA” Wednesday 4th November 2020
- “Post No. 796 - the importance of non-violence” Monday 14th December 2015
- “Post No. 505 - Lessons from the past: the film “Kamchatka”” Tuesday 7th January 2014
my other posts:
<for other, future posts>
- “Post No. 2,639 - Fighting the forces of evil” Monday 20th November 2023
- “Post No. 2,632 - The world feels like ... [Content Warning]” Saturday 11th November 2023
- “Post No. 2,601 - Unwarranted, foolish, and damaging, destructive, or evil loyalty [Content Warning - mention of evil]” Friday 29th September 2023
- “Accountability” Monday 14th August 2023
- “Post No. 2,535 - Trauma [Content Warning: bigotry/discrimination and other forms of abuse, violence, sexual violence, CSA, self harm]” Monday 7th August 2023
- “Post No. 2,523 - Some thoughts on the legal cases against #45, and on countering evil [Content Warning: harm, abuse, power, violence, trauma]” Monday 31st July 2023 includes links to other, relevant posts
- “Post No. 2,513 - more hate and authoritarian insularity, fear and fascism” Wednesday 26th July 2023
- “Post No. 2,438 - The pendulum is swinging” Friday 12th May 2023
- “The enabling and consequences of hate and amathia - including fascism and even more extreme right wing extremism [Content Warning - anger at violent bigotry]” Wednesday 5th April 2023
- “The combat of words [Note: Content Warning - discusses harm and wrongdoing]” Monday 5th January 2023
- “The truth behind resistance to human rights” Thursday 22nd September 2022
- “A perspective: now, then, and the yet to come - for the few, and the many” Saturday 5th March 2022
- “(Some) police and other subclinical psychopaths” Monday 12th April 2021
- “The seemingly “little” things matter” Tuesday 6th April 2021
- “An initial response to Rutger Bregman's “Humankind”” Thursday 21st May 2020
- “Voters and the possible impeachment of POTUS45” Sunday 6th October 2019
- “Post No. 1,181 - Trauma” Monday 9th July 2018
- “The problem of the Newtonian heart, mind and soul worldview” Friday 30th March 2018
my other “definitions”:
<for other, future posts>
- my glossary definition of “evil” - which also includes a list of links
- my glossary definitions of bigotry, ethics, FBU, FoC, LBI, Newtonian worldview, patriarchy, toxic masculinity, toxic positivity, transgenocide, virtue signalling;